Chapter-6 India – My Motherland
is the area and size of India in respect to the world?
A1.1. India is a
vast country with an area of 3.28 million square kilometres.
2.India ranks
seventh after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia. (It is the
seventh largest country after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia.)
Which countries form Indian sub-continent? Why is it called so?
A2. 1. India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan together form a distinct geographical
unit popularly known as the Indian sub-continent.
2. It is called so
as it has a very distinctive culture of its own as it is separated from the
rest of Asia by a long chain of lofty mountains in the north.
3. India has
remarkable cultural diversity where people follow different languages, religions
and traditions etc.
What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India?
A3. 1. Its main
land extends between 8 4’ N and 37 6’N latitude.
2. The longitudinal
extend of India is between 68 7’ E and 97 2’ E.
Name the three major rivers which form the Great Northern Plains of India.
A4. The Ganga, the
Brahmaputra and the Sutlej.
Name the newly formed 29th state of India. When was it formed?
A5. Telangana is
the 29th and the youngest state of India. It was formed on June 2,
State any four main features of the Himalayan Mountains.
Ans. 1.The
Himalayan Mountains are seen along the border of India from Jammu and Kashmir
to Arunachal Pradesh.
2. Himalayas means
the ‘Abode of Snow’.
3. The northernmost
range of the Himalayas is called the Great Himalayas or Himadri.
4. Second range of
the Himalayas is the Middle Himalaya or Himachal range.
5. The Southernmost
range is the Shivalik range.
Where is Sunderban delta? How does it look? Describe its main features.
Ans. 1. Ganga and
Brahmaputraa rivers form a great delta- the Sunderbans.
2. It is the
biggest in the world, before falling into the Bay of Bengal.
3. This delta has a
triangular shape.
4. It is a
low-lying area where the major rivers are split into several channels.
5. This delta
region near the sea is called Sunderbans.
Describe the Peninsula plateau of India.
Ans.1. Towards
south from the Great Plains, there is a triangular landmass known as the Great
Peninsular Plateau.
2. Its northern
part is known as the Central Highlands.
3. The southern
part of the plateau is called the Deccan Plateau.
4. It is triangular
in shape.
5. The entire
plateau region is rich in minerals.

Ans. Eastern Coastal Plains Western Coastal Plains
lies to the east of India. 1. It lies to the west of India.
runs along the Bay of Bengal. 2. It
runs along the Arabian Sea.
3 .
is broader than Western 3. It is narrow, uneven and rocky. Coastal
rivers- Mahanadi, Godavari, 4.
Small rivers rising from the Krishna
and Kaveri form deltas Western Ghats flow swiftly into at
their mouths before falling into Arabian
of Bengal.

Andaman and Nicobar
Islands Lakshadweep
lies to the east of India.
1. It lies to the west of India.
2. These are a group of 572 Islands. 2. These are 36 islands.
3. They are large in size. 3. They are smaller in size.
4. These islands lie on the Bay of
Bengal. 4.
These islands lie in Arabian Sea.
5. They are uppermost part of submerged 5.
They had been formed by Coral Polyps.